Wednesday 19 September 2007

Back For One Year Only

Yes, I'm back in good ol' Winchester, and all ready I'm shattered beyond belief. We of the CU have been helping the freshers move into their new halls of residence for the last three days, and then in the evenings we've been running an acoustic cafe at the chapel, which has been great fun to go to, but I got in at half eleven last night, and then had very little sleep for some reason.

But it is nice to be back with my friends and in my house, though as of yet we are only two - me and a new guy who I shall be referring to from henceforth as Other Boy. It shall be interesting when our other two housemates move back in, particularly Smoker, who is the only other one of last years lot to move back into the house with me. But until they come we cannot sort out the Internet or TV licence in my house, so I have to rely on the University once again. I am now going to go home and sleep, and hopefully will write a fuller blog tomorrow when I'm not so tired!


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