Monday 11 February 2008

A Tiny, Meaningless Celebration

Just thought that I had to write something, because that way I could proudly say that I have now written 100 Blog Entries. Woo hoo!

Seriously, is this anything to be proud of? Those of you who are "avid readers" will know that I mainly use this blog as a form of stress relief when I'm aggravated about something. Is it really that interesting to read someone's rant? It doesn't seem it when I read back what I've written, especially seeing as how, on these damn library keyboards, I type so fast that I occasionally miss out a letter in a word, and so have to go all the way through it to make sure I've spealt it all right, and even then, when its published, I still find the odd wrong word, which annoys me even more. Whats up with that?

Still, it is kind of fun to have a little piece of the World Wide Web that is MINE, ALL MINE, and they can't take that away from me. Unless I ever write somthing that goes against the contract you have to sign (or click your mouse in the box to tick it in this case) to be able to write anything.

Not that I exactly know what it is I can't write, because, honestly, who actually reads that rubbish? Don't we all just read the first sentence and think Yeah, yeah before automatically ticking the box without reading it all. I'm not saying I do that with every single contract I have to sign - that would be both wrong and stupid. But here there desn't seem much point in wasting time reading when I could be ranting.

All I can do is guess at what I can't write about - I can't write fundamentalist, religious rubbish, I suppose, or anything that could be classed as terrorism or indecent. Though in the latter's case, I call to the witness stand Belle De Jour and her late blog, Secret Diary Of A Call Girl. I rest my case.

Ah, well. Here's to the next hundred blogs!


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