Tuesday 30 October 2007


It would happen, wouldn't it? On one of the busiest weeks of this semester for CU - Missions Week - I end up being struck down by my rather troublesome problem of insomnia. I had no sleep last night at all, and I cannot for the life of me think why this was the case! I am going to have to make sure I have copious amounts of coffee so I can stay awake throughout the cafe today and also my afternoon lecture.

Anyone else see a problem here? I'm just looking forward to getting home this evening, where hopefully - and this is a huge hopefully - we will finally have received the equipment needed to set up the wireless Internet at our house. No more having to go into the uni library every time to check my e-mails and hastily write my blog entries before a library official comes over and sneaks a peak to see if what I'm furiously writing is in fact anything to do with the rather complicated theoretical texts that I have grabbed from one of the nearby shelves. I hope, anyway.

Oh, and in case you were wondering if I had forgotten in my state of slight comatose that today was Film Tuesday, I haven't. In fact I watched Pulp Fiction for the first time the other day, and I shall provide a suitable review later on in the week. Again: I hope.


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