Saturday 12 April 2008

Why Didn't I Think Of That First?

Ah, Saturday. Saturday's are usually pretty lied back for me. Apart from shopping in the morning (because I need food to live) I generally don't have that much on. Sunday's are usually quite busy with church going and friend meeting, and obviously the weekday seems to get busier and busier every week. So Saturday has been my little rest bite. Until now.

You see one of the readers of this blog and sometime commentator on it, Crystal, set me a challenge the other day. She is a somewhat more successful writer than I am, as you will see if you click the link in this paragraph to her own blog. Recently she wrote an interesting and funny piece on television addiction, a subject that I must ashamedly admit to having a fair share of experience of.

But the other day she set me a challenge which set the creative parts of my brain ticking again, blowing away the mental cobwebs that have formed there surprisingly quickly. She gave me a sentence to kick me off and told me to write a page to follow from it. Now, I haven't been able to find the time as yet to make a proper start on it due to my continuing FYP work, although I have formed a few rough ideas in my mind.

Maybe I'm taking it all much too seriously, but writing is (mostly) incredibly important to me. I don't think I care completely that I may never be a published author, as long as I can keep writing, and keep using it as an escape from reality, that's all that should matter to me. So thanks to Crystal I now have a label for the Saturday edition of my blog. It shall be known as Story Saturday. If you're at all curious or interested, then come to this site next Saturday and see what I've got in store for you.


1 comment:

Crystal said...

glad to hear you have accepted the challenge! Will be interesting to compare how different (or similar!?) our stories might be, given we had the same title. What do you think is the best way of sharing them? To post? Or to email? I am not sure if you know any other aspiring writers but feel free to pass the same challenge on! : ) I look forward to your story as your posts are always very well written.