Thursday 10 January 2008

And The Score Is Currently 1-1...

Why all the fuss over the American Pre-Election Elections? As soon as Barack Obama won in Iowa, the press over here in Blighty was all, "Oh no, poor Hillary Clinton, she's lost, it's looking bad for her, etc".

Erm, hello? It was just one friggin' state! That doesn't mean a thing in politics, and my point is proven by the fact that Clinton then whooped Obama's ass in New Hampshire. Okay, so maybe 3% more votes isn't exactly "whooping ass", but still there's no need for all the fuss just yet!

It's an interesting contest, don't get me wrong - much more interesting than the Republican Pre-Election Elections. Sorry, but I don't think much of the world cares for the Republicans at the moment, seeing as how they're unlikely to win after good ol' Dubbya's eight years. No, the next President will be a Democrat, and I'm betting on Clinton too.

Now I like Obama, I think it's amazing what he has achieved in his career and life, and good for him for winning in Iowa. But America seems only just ready for a female president, let alone a black president. Maybe it's just me being cynical, and I will be incredibly happy if Obama does win, because it will prove me wrong. It's just that I don't think he will. If anything it's his track record that will be the problem for Obama - at least, I hope that's what the problem will be for some voters, and not his skin colour. The fact is that Hillary Clinton has years more experience than he has - after all, she's already lived in the White House for eight years. Obama has only been on the senate for three.

Maybe his youth will win people over, like JFK before him. Maybe some people won't want another Clinton in the hot seat - after all, we've already had another Bush. There could be a danger of American politics really turning into a family affair - an unreliable source tells me that Nancy Reagan is all set for the 2012 Presidential Race. It's all starting to feel like The Godfather - who's next in line to the Sicilian throne? One's thing for sure, I'm keeping a close eye on this one. May the best candidate win - as long as it's not Rudy Giuliani, because after his continual, shameful plugging of "what he did for New York after 9/11", well, sorry, but that puts you down in my opinion poll.


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