Tuesday 28 August 2007

So Hungry...

The curse (or one of the curses anyway) of working so damn hard on Alice!, the show we have been creating over the last two weeks in Ash Green Youth theatre's Summer Course 2007, is that I have so many things to do I usually have to put myself second. So I had no lunch today because I was waiting for twenty minutes at a useless bank where it took that long to make a cheque out so I could finally pay somebody! I know that sounds like a bit of a selfish whinge, but when you're working on such a demanding show you need all the energy you can get, and you don't get energy from thin air - you need food! So now I have to wait until later this evening for a chicken curry, but I can't eat a lot now else I'll spoil my appetite. I don't think I can win with this...


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