Friday 24 August 2007

Television - Friend, Brother, Secret Lover...

...but recently I've begun to doubt the true power of the once glorious idiot box. Apparently over here in Blighty half of us have lost our trust in television due to the fake phone-ins and competition winners who win before the competition is even announced. That kind of stuff.

Me, I don't usually bother myself with that kind of stuff. But it seems less and less likely these days for me to find something worth watching that I want to watch. And I am not going to waste my time watching Big Brother - recently I skipped through it hearing the question being asked, "What was the name of Paddington Bear's aunt?" Oh. Dear.

Last night was a good example of the lack of quality programming. So my mother and I (and eventually my sister) sat down to watch Finding Neverland - first time I've seen it. It was beautifully made, wonderfully acted, and I am not afraid to admit that I cried a little at the end. It reaffirms my claim that any film with Kate Winslet or Johnny Depp in must be worth watching!


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