Monday 31 December 2007

New Year Resolutions?

I never quite know what to exactly say on New Year's Eve when someone asks me if I've made any New Year's resolutions. The obvious answer is: yes, of course I have, everyone does, even if it's a half-hearted attempt just to fuse into your brain that it's a new year, so it must be a new start, so you must do new things, or newish things anyway.

But then I stop and think and realise that, actually, I've always given the obvious answer to that question and then never really thought about it until the next 31st December. It was different a year and a half ago - a new house with new people meant for certain a new start, and it has certainly helped change my life. And I guess last New Year was a newish start for me in that I took more of a part in the Christian Union at Christmas.

So this year I have decided to make a stand; for once this year I am actually going to set myself a couple (or maybe even a few) New Year Resolutions for 2008. Then, on this day next year, I can look back and see if I achieved or upheld them.

I think we'll start with the always mentioned, never published books and get those approved by an agent - lets not go nuts after all. There's also the degree to think about as well - I am going to get a 2:1 at least: this will mean a lot of hard work, but I am going to achieve it!

I will eat less chocolate, spend more time with my friends - these are all pretty usually resolutions that I know a Facebook group will be set up for - or maybe I should set one up? Will I have time? You see, this is the problem with New Years resolutions - some are so important, or so huge, that they overshadow the other, smaller ones and eventually pale them in significance.

There is one more - but its not something I'm willing to share on the world wide web, I'm sorry to say - it's too personal for the masses of readers who read this blog to read if you will. That is, unless things work out okay with it - then I'll tell all!

Happy New Year, everyone!


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