Monday 4 January 2010

Top Ten of 2010!

So here's a list of the ten films I'm most looking forward to next year (2010), in no particular order except alphabetical.

Alice In Wonderland - Tim Burton. 'Nuff said.

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part One - The last film in the series was one of the best since "Prisoner Of Azkaban". It's going to be darker and darker still.

Inception - Christopher Nolan's never made a bad film in my opinion, so I'm looking forward to this one. Not that we know what's going on in it yet.

Kick Ass - Looks hilarious, but also a welcome reality check for all the superhero films that are beig made (with the possible exception of "Iron Man 2", which isn't on the list because I'm still to watch the first one!)

Paul - Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are an excellent duo of actors/writers. Looking forward to their first proper foray into Americana.

Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time - Probably will be the summer's biggest blockbuster, next to aforementioned "Iron Man 2". Two words for me: Gemma. Arterton.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World - Not read the graphic novel this is based on, but I'm already looking forward to discovering them.

The Book Of Eli - Another post-apocalypse film, but this one has Denzel Washington, Mila Kunis and Gary Oldman as the bad guy. Excellent.

The Expendables - It's going to be rubbish, but WONDERFUL rubbish. Stallone, Statham, Lundgren, Willis and Schwarznegger. No Seagal, though...shame.

Toy Story 3 - Could be brilliant. It is Pixar, after all. But is it one sequel too many?

So there we go. I'm sure there are others more deserving and, probably, as this year, some I will actually find myself more excited to watch then the ones on here.

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