Wednesday, 15 October 2008

SIA - "Soon We'll Be Found"

Over here in Blighty we have a really good music programme called Later...With Jools Holland, which is where they get as many bands/artists as possible into the studio and spend as little time as possible chatting to them - they just let them play live music which always sounds good. Occasionally you discover an artists you've never heard of before and really get to dig, or maybe just an individual song. This has happened twice for me this year. The first instance was with the SugaRush Beat Company (More about them in a future blog entry), but recently the artist SIA has come to my attention. The Australian singer was not on my radar until a week or so ago, and admittedly I had to get over the rather relaxed way she sings her songs. But there was one she performed which was one of the most beautiful I've heard in a long time. I'm not sure how it will fare in our hit parade over here, but I feel like I should share it with the millions who no doubt read this blog obsessively (Boom boom). So here it is - enjoy!


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