Monday, 6 October 2008

Back To Black

Well, hi there! Long time no blog, lol, despite my earlier insistence over two months ago, ha ha!

A lot has happened within that time period. I've been in and out of a relationship, I've got a brand new job working as a barman in my local golf club, I'm rehearsing for a play with my local amateur dramatics group that has a LOT of lines to learn. And, perhaps most interestingly of all, my writer's block concerning The Witch Sister has finally broken. The problem with this book is that, due to certain events which happen, the plot is very twisted in both structure and story lines. I think there are more characters in this book than in any of my last two.

Where Wild Things Grow, by the way, after yet another brief edit, will be sent to several agents by the end of this month. I just need to get my head round the cover letter that needs to go with everything else that has to be sent. It's typical, actually - my writers block breaks on one project then decides to settle nicely on a perhaps more immediate one. Ah well, c'est la vie.


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