Monday, 11 June 2007

"Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom!" quote Mel Gibson at the end of Braveheart. Except without the Scottish accent. And the whole knife-twisting-in-the-guts torture thing.

Yes, I had my last exam today and no, it did not go well but who cares? For the next twenty four hours (at least) I shall not even think about what I wrote on my exam paper. After that I will start to panic and so have to find things to distract me from thinking about how badly I did, how this will affect my career choices, yadda yadda yadda.

Speaking of which I have finsihed re-editing Shine On Me and am now back to where I started before re-re-re-re-editing Where Wild Things Grow. Me has other books in mind, but me no want to start on the next in the Green Ash series just yet. I am going to try and attempt to do what has previously often been impossibe: to write a sensible book for grown-ups; the kind of book people might study at an institution just like the University Of Winchester. I kid you not, I already have some ideas bubbling away in my brain. Now if I can just be bothered enough to start writing them down...



Kirk Boyer said...

The second time I read it, it DID have a scottish accent. That's something that's hard to control in your writing without changing spelling, eh? :P

Debbie said...

I too have FREEEEEEEDOM, well from Open University study and exams! I sat my first 3 hour exam yesterday since 1979! It was an experience, that much I can say. Now it is back to the usual, work, Church fete and ironing! I lead such an exiting life! Oh yes, and the return of Mark! Mel & I will be restocking the fridge in readiness tonight!!