Monday, 4 June 2007

The Early Bird Got Up To Catch The Early Worm...

...and then found that actually the Early Worm wasn't due to get up until two o' clock in the afternoon.

I have the first of my two exams today, and I made the mistake of thinking it was at 9am. So I got up nice and early, though was in a kind of a daze thanks to my old pal Morning Amnesia (TM). When I got to the University, however, I went to check which room the exam would be taking place in and saw to my utter delight - note sarcasm - that, actually, I needn't have got up when I did at all.

So I went food shopping instead. I ended up walking through Sainsburys pushing my trolley like a zombie shuffling around in Night Of The Living Dead. When I got back home it was only coming up for a quarter to ten. Nice.

Still, I guess I should make the most of it and use the time I have now to revise. My one nagging problem, however, is that this exam is taking place in the West Downs Centre, which is at the top of a very steep hill. It's at two in the afternoon, so I'll have to leave here at half one at the latest. This is, coincidentally, also the time when the sun will be at its highest. I will arrive at West Downs exhausted, hot, and sweating like a pig. And then I'll have to do a two hour exam. Oho, I know how to have fun, don't I?


1 comment:

Debbie said...

Welcome to the real world, some of us were awake at 6am this morning and behind our desk at 8.30. And the good news - Ofsted are in on Wednesday and Thursday, but hopefully the lowly Library will not be on their list!