Friday, 11 April 2008

Guess Who's Back...Back Again?

So this week I returned to Winchester for the remainder of my last semester studying English within these hallowed halls...or something like that. The term actually starts up again next Monday, but I needed a week back here to get my head together around my FYP and the other wonderful essays I have to write for my lovely subject. Plus I had run out of food. And I need food to live.

Not to sound too melodramatic, but I am getting sick and tired of English. Not writing - that's a different matter. Last term for instance, as a break from essays, I used the opportunity given to me by the director of a production the my local young theatre group are doing to write a scene for their new play, called This Bird Has Flown. Basically, it's all inspired by the songs that John Lennon wrote whilst he was in The Beatles. My scene was set in this asylum where some of his weirder creations - the Walrus, the Egg Man, Mean Mr Mustard, etc - are "residing". It's all a coma-induced dream of our hero, of course, but it was great fun to go totally mad with it. As a reward, I've been given both the cameo roles of the Walrus and John Lennon - both times I get shot, the former with a tranquiliser dart, the latter re-enacting Lennon's murder. I bruised my knees a lot falling on the hard wood stage. Ah, the things I do for my art.

The FYP is, as it so often has been, coming along slowly but surely. I'm writing this blog entry whilst sitting in the university library at the moment, as I intend to make the most of the fact that there's only two other people in here besides me...make that three, someone else has just walked in. But still, what freedom! Don't get me wrong, I love people. I do - people are great. But there's something about a nearly empty library (make that four and counting) that just screams of perfection. Ask my mother - she's a school librarian, she'll agree with me!

It's the same at my house. We're not really all together at the moment, though this will probably change over the weekend. But still it's nice to sometimes be the only one in the house. It gives you time to relax and unwind. Don't get me wrong, as soon as term starts, I'll be back to doing all the work I love to do with my CU, with other people, making sure I have time for my housemates. But sometimes it's just good to be alone. Yeah, there's a danger that the loneliness could kill you eventually, but I'm more than an expert now at this to know my limits. It's great that I can say that, isn't it? makes me sound like a regular party animal.


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