Saturday, 1 March 2008

Pinch, Punch, And Is That A Cuckoo I Hear?

In a perfect world, this day - the 1st of March - would be the first day of Spring. But, thanks probably to good ol' global warming, it's probably been Spring over here in Blighty since half way through February.

Anyway, as homage to the first day of Spring - whenever it is - we feel compelled in my house to do some spring cleaning. Well, okay, we don't exactly feel compelled, it's more like we have to. And when I say "we" I mean myself and Other Bloke, as Smoker and Second Year have gone home for the weekend. Cheers, girls.

My realm has been that of the kitchen, lounge and hallway/stairs. I also have to spruce my own bedroom up a bit, as we have the dreaded housing inspections this week. Fun, fun, fun! Speaking of fun, time to wipe down the oven.


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