Monday, 22 October 2007

The Book Of Face

Yes, I must admit now that I have finally joined the ranks of countless others and set up a Facebook account. I spent most of this morning trying to figure it out, as technology and me - well, we don't mix.

Still, at some point today I must remove myself from this chair, actually get out of my pyjamas and put some clothes on and clean. Yes, today is the day set aside for cleaning - a task I do not look forward to. It's not that I mind a little cleaning, you understand, but it's the state that the house is in at the moment requires a planned assault with military strategies and tactics.

How did it get to this situation? I'm going to raise a slightly guiltless hand and say that we've all been so busy this year that it really is one of those things we put aside. My social life, I'm happy to say, has improved greatly since I started taking more of an active role in what our CU does, but this now mean that I am out nearly every night of the week, and when I get home I am usually too tired to do anything other than cook, eat and collapse.

And it's the same for all of us. Sure, we could do more that would help us, but that still leaves me the problem of the bathroom and the kitchen to worry about.

Well, this is it - time to stop writing and grab those rubber gloves. If I don't make it, just remember these words from one of the truly great philosophers of our time:

"What's the point of all this cleaning? Are we so vain?" - Homer Simpson.


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