Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Kaiser Charles

A couple of months ago I promised I would let you know how I felt the new Kaiser Chiefs album went. Well, having listened to it a couple of times my initial reaction has been of "interesting" mode. It's a very good album, but apart from two songs (ironically the ones which have already been released as singles: "Ruby" and "Everything Is Average Nowadays"), I can't really see any other songs as being made into potential singles. Don't get me wrong, all the songs on this album are great. But it's hard to imagine them being played on Radio 1. I guess time will tell as to which are released.

In other music news I watched Ray last night for the first time, and found it to be a really entertaining film with a fantastic performance from Jamie Foxx which totally deserved the Oscar he won for it. When I watched Walk the Line, the Johnny Cash biopic, I immediately went out and bought em a greatest hits of Cash. Now I've got the Charles music in my blood: first chance I get I'm buying me his greatest hits!

Have finally finished re-editing Where Wild Things Grow. Have a long list of agents and contact details, plus knowledge on one right here in Winchester! Fingers crossed!


1 comment:

Debbie said...

I've got everything crossed for you!