Friday, 8 December 2006

Odd Requests and (Nearly) Tears of Happiness

Moments after I had finished writing yesterday's entry, there was a knock at my bedroom door. In burst Smoker and one of her friends, who for the benefit of you guys, I shall name Stoner, because he was. Extremely.
"Champagne!" they yelled at the top of their voices, shoving a shot glass of cold bubbly champagne into my hands.
"Have you guys had any sleep at all?" I asked.
"Nope!" replied Smoker, shaking her head. "Did we keep you up?"
"Of course not," I lied through gritted teeth. "I was suffering from a bout of insomnia again."
This isn't always a lie. I do suffer from insomnia - have done for the last four years or so. Whenever I'm stressed out about something is usually the time when it strikes. I was not, however, stressed out last night.
Meanwhile Stoner, who I had met before at another party, was inspecting my room.
"Mate," he said in drunken disgust, "please don't tell me that you like Doctor Who!" And he pointed to my Doctor Who Calender.
"No," I lied again. "I just watch it for Billie Piper."
"Anyway," said Smoker changing the subject. "Come downstairs! Come join us!"
After a few more minutes of pleading I relented and agreed to go downstairs shortly. Once they had left, I had a wash and got dressed before following them down the stairs into the lounge.
I swear to you now that the next worse place to the state of our lounge would have been Iraq. I thought the stench of stale cigarette smoke was bad as it casually drifted upstairs, but the lounge stank of the stuff.
Smoker and her boyfriend were seated at the kitchen table, behind the sleeping/unconscious bodies of their friends. Stoner was working his way through a bottle of Jack Daniels. I shook my head and made my way carefully over the snoring, drooling bodies to the kitchen area so that I could get something into my stomach - though the smell was quickly killing off my hunger.
"Hey, mate" said Stoner. "Get your (thingie) out,"
I spluttered Honey Nut Corn Flakes back into the bowl. "What?" I asked, hoping that I hadn't heard him right (Like Third Year Psychology hadn't when I told her this story later on).
"Get your (thingie) out. Get it free and easy mate! How often do you work one off? Once, twice a day? It's twice isn't it?"
"I'm not going to bloody tell you that!" I said, while Smoker and her boyfriend, Spanish Dude, started laughing out loud.
This continued for about half an hour, while I finished my breakfast - don't ask me how, but I did - and then washed up some pots and pans in a futile attempt to convince myself that I was making the mess a little bit better. He kept ordering me to get my privates out for everyone to see, I kept politely telling him to bugger off. In the end I got sick of it and made my way back over the no mans land of bodies to the lounge door and back to the relative safety of my room, where I remained for most of the day watching Family Guy and listening to old Radio shows.

Eventually they left, though the lounge was not in a state to hide the fact that lots of drunken people had spent the night in there. Smoker attempted to tidy it, but only the floor is clear at the moment - yes, she still hasn't finished it. In fact, I haven't seen her all day and I have an uneasy feeling that I, Media Nurse and Third Year Psychology will have to finish it, something which the latter will not be happy about.

Talking of happy, I went to Alpha Course last night - it's a Christian thing if you don't know - and on the way back, walking in the bitter cold of a December night, I realised that I had actually made a few friends there. I don't make friends easy, so this really cheered me up; so much so that I almost cried. Almost. That's the operative word.

Today has been relatively boring, to say the least. Edward II in English, Buffy on television. Not much of a weekend planned to tell the truth. My Xmas presents for my family did arrive, I suppose, so I was a little excited about that. I love Christmas - I'm just a big kid when it comes to the 25th December.

Didn't do any writing yesterday - going to do some right now. Just as soon as I publish this blog.


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